Neodymium Magnet Grades: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’ve ever been bamboozled by the technical jargon associated with neodymium magnets, fret not! In this Neodymium Magnet Grades and Tables: A Complete Guide, we’ll take you on a magnetic journey to explore these powerful marvels. Get ready to uncover their various grades, the meaning behind the alphanumeric codes, and how to choose the right one for your specific needs.

What’s the deal with those alphanumeric codes?

Neodymium magnets, also known as NdFeB or Neo magnets, are classified into various grades based on their Maximum Energy Product (BHmax). This alphanumeric code contains the letter ‘N’ followed by a number, for example, N52. The higher the number, the stronger the magnet.

Let’s break it down further:

  • N35-N52: These are standard grades of neodymium magnets, with N52 being the strongest in this category. The max working temperature is up to 80°C.
  • N30M-N50M: Medium temperature resistant magnets, good for applications requiring up to 100°C.
  • N30H-N48H: High-temperature resistant magnets, suitable for temperatures up to 120°C.
  • N30SH-N45SH: Super-high temperature resistant magnets, withstanding up to 150°C.
  • N28UH-N40UH: Ultra-high temperature resistant magnets designed for up to 180°C.
  • N28EH-N38EH: Extreme-high temperature resistant magnets, perfect for applications requiring up to 200°C.

Clarifying Neodymium Magnet Grade Alphanumeric Codes

To better understand the alphanumeric codes of neodymium magnets, let’s dive deeper into each part of the code and its significance:

  • ‘N’: The letter ‘N’ stands for neodymium, indicating that the magnet is a neodymium magnet.

  • The number: The number following ‘N’ represents the magnet’s Maximum Energy Product (BHmax). It signifies the magnet’s energy density or magnetic strength. The higher the number, the stronger the magnet. For instance, an N52 magnet is stronger than an N35 magnet.

  • Suffix letters (M, H, SH, UH, EH): These letters indicate the magnet’s temperature resistance. Each suffix represents a different temperature range in which the magnet will maintain its magnetic properties:

Illustrating Maximum Energy Product (BHmax) with Examples

To provide a clearer understanding of the Maximum Energy Product (BHmax) and how it affects the strength of neodymium magnets, let’s use a couple of examples:

Example 1: Comparing N35 and N52 Magnets

Imagine you have two neodymium magnets: one is an N35 magnet, and the other is an N52 magnet. The N35 magnet has a Maximum Energy Product (BHmax) of 35 MGOe (Mega-Gauss-Oersteds), while the N52 magnet has a BHmax of 52 MGOe.

In this case, the N52 magnet is stronger than the N35 magnet because its BHmax value is higher (52 MGOe) than the N35 magnet (35 MGOe). Consequently, the N52 magnet can generate a stronger magnetic field and provide a greater holding force than the N35 magnet, given that they are the same size and shape.

Example 2: Lifting Force of Different Magnet Grades

Suppose you need to lift a 10-kilogram (22-pound) metal object using a neodymium magnet. To achieve this, you must choose a magnet with sufficient magnetic strength (lifting force) to hold the object securely.

If you opt for an N35 magnet, you might need a larger size or multiple magnets to generate enough lifting force to hold the 10-kilogram object. On the other hand, using an N52 magnet, you may achieve the required lifting force with a smaller magnet or fewer magnets due to its higher BHmax value and, consequently, a stronger magnetic field.

Delving Deeper into Neodymium Magnet Grades and Their Applications

As we’ve already discussed the various grades of neodymium magnets and their temperature resistance, let’s look at some specific applications for each grade category.

N35-N52 (Standard Grades, up to 80°C):

These magnets are most commonly found in everyday applications due to their affordability and versatility. Some typical uses include:

  • DIY projects and crafts
  • Magnetic closures for bags and jewelry
  • Fridge magnets and whiteboard accessories
  • Small electronic devices, such as headphones and speakers

N30M-N50M (Medium Temperature Resistant Magnets, up to 100°C):

These magnets are suitable for applications that require slightly higher temperature resistance. Common uses include:

  • Electric motors for household appliances
  • Generators and alternators
  • Automotive sensors and switches

N30H-N48H (High-Temperature Resistant Magnets, up to 120°C):

As these magnets can withstand higher temperatures, they are ideal for more demanding applications, such as:

  • Industrial electric motors and generators
  • High-temperature sensors and switches
  • Oil and gas industry equipment

N30SH-N45SH (Super-High Temperature Resistant Magnets, up to 150°C):

These magnets are designed for extreme conditions and are used in a variety of specialized applications:

  • Aerospace and aviation components
  • Automotive turbochargers
  • High-performance electric motors and generators

N28UH-N40UH (Ultra-High Temperature Resistant Magnets, up to 180°C):

With an even higher temperature tolerance, these magnets are used in specialized applications that require exceptional performance:

  • High-temperature electric vehicle motors
  • Advanced medical equipment
  • High-performance aerospace and defense applications

N28EH-N38EH (Extreme-High Temperature Resistant Magnets, up to 200°C):

These magnets are engineered for the most extreme conditions and are found in only a few niche applications:

  • Cutting-edge aerospace and defense systems
  • Advanced electric vehicle motor systems
  • High-temperature scientific research equipment

Size Matters, But So Do the Grade, Shape, and Cost

Let’s take a deeper look at the example of lifting a heavy object while considering all four factors: size, grade, shape, and cost:

Suppose you are tasked with designing a magnetic crane to lift and move heavy metal objects weighing up to 20 kilograms (44 pounds) in a workshop. When selecting the right neodymium magnet, you need to take into account the size, grade, shape, and cost:

Size: The magnet should be suitable for the crane’s design, providing enough holding force to lift the 20-kilogram object without being too bulky or heavy for the crane structure.

Grade: Higher-grade magnets, like the N52, have a stronger magnetic field and greater holding force compared to lower-grade magnets, such as the N35. This means a smaller N52 magnet might outperform a larger N35 magnet when it comes to lifting heavy object.

Shape: Neodymium magnets come in various shapes, such as discs, blocks, and rings. The magnet’s shape plays a crucial role in its holding force and how it interacts with the object being lifted. For instance, a block-shaped magnet might provide better surface contact and holding force compared to a disc-shaped magnet of the same size and grade.

Cost: When designing the magnetic crane, budget constraints must be considered. Higher-grade magnets tend to be more expensive, so you need to balance the cost with the desired performance. It might be necessary to compromise on the magnet’s grade or shape to stay within budget while ensuring the magnet meets the project’s requirements.

In this expanded example, the ideal neodymium magnet for the magnetic crane would be a balance of size, grade, shape, and cost that meets the performance requirements while fitting within the project’s constraints. By thoroughly examining these factors, you can select the most appropriate magnet for your application, ensuring efficient and effective operation in lifting and moving heavy objects.

Tables of Neodymium Magnet Grades

To make sense of neodymium magnet grades and tables, you’ll want to wrap your head around the following parameters:

Maximum Energy Product (BHmax): Measured in Mega-Gauss-Oersteds (MGOe), it represents the magnet’s energy density or magnetic strength.

Residual Induction (Br): Measured in Gauss, it indicates the magnet’s ability to generate a magnetic field.

Coercive Force (Hc): Measured in Oersteds, it represents the magnet’s resistance to demagnetization.

Intrinsic Coercive Force (Hci): Also measured in Oersteds, it’s another measure of resistance to demagnetization but under high temperatures.

Comparing neodymium magnet grades is easier when you consult a table or chart that lists the key parameters for each grade. These tables typically display the values for BHmax, Br, Hc, and Hci, providing a clear snapshot of each magnet’s capabilities.

FAQs: Need to Know About Neodymium Magnet Grades and Tables

Q: What does the letter ‘N’ stand for in neodymium magnet grades?

A: The letter ‘N’ stands for neodymium, the primary element in NdFeB magnets.

Q: Can I use a higher-grade magnet as a substitute for a lower-grade one?

A: Yes, you can generally use a higher-grade magnet as a substitute for a lower-grade one. However, it’s essential to consider factors like temperature resistance, size, and cost before making the switch.

Q: How do I choose the right neodymium magnet for my project?

A: To choose the right neodymium magnet, consider the following factors:

Strength: Determine the required magnetic force for your application and choose a grade accordingly.

Operating temperature: Ensure the magnet’s temperature resistance matches your project’s requirements.

Size and shape: Consider the dimensions and form that best suit your needs.

Cost: Higher-grade magnets tend to be more expensive, so factor in your budget as well.

Q: Are neodymium magnets safe to handle?

A: Neodymium magnets are generally safe to handle but require caution. Their powerful magnetic force can cause injury if fingers or skin get caught between two magnets or a magnet and a ferrous object. Additionally, keep them away from electronic devices, credit cards, and medical devices like pacemakers, as their strong magnetic fields can interfere with their functioning.


With this comprehensive guide to Neodymium Magnet Grades and Tables, you should now fully grasp these magnetic wonders’ intricacies. With this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed decisions when choosing the right magnet for your project. Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the grade, temperature resistance, and other specifications matching your needs. So, go forth and let the magnetic force be with you!


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